The Proposals
The proposed development would deliver up to 22 new homes, including 14 custom and self build homes and 8 market houses, alongside areas of publicly accessible open space. The site layout has been designed to respect and integrate the new development with Ettington and the surrounding area.
Scheme Benefits:
The proposals include a number of benefits for Ettington including:​
Providing 22 new houses, of which 14 will be custom and self build homes and 8 market houses to meet Ettington’s growing demand for homes and Stratford-on-Avon District Council’s housing requirement.
New footpath connecting into the existing Public Rights of Way (PRoW) network.
Maximising biodiversity net gain, by incorporating wildflower planting and area for sustainable drainage as part of the drainage strategy to concurrently nurture new wildlife.
Providing additional publicly accessible open space for new and existing residents to enjoy.
Illustrative Masterplan - ENLARGE
Proposed vehicular access
Primary street
Shared surface
Private drive
Indicative attenuation basin
Pedestrian access
Public Rights of Way
Wildflower planting