Housing Need
Market Housing
Policy HS2 of the Ettington and Fulready Neighbourhood Plan identifies the north eastern portion of the site as a strategic housing reserve site which can be released upon the demonstration of evidence of an identified housing need in Ettington. There remains an unmet need for 8 homes from that identified in the Housing Needs Survey conducted in the Parish in October 2020, which the proposed development addresses. The final housing mix has yet to be determined but it is noted that the Housing Needs Survey identified an emphasis on smaller properties.
Custom and Self Build Housing
The south western portion of the site is an emerging allocation in the Stratford-on-Avon District Council’s Site Allocations Plan (June 2022) for self build and custom housebuilding development, a type of residential development where potential occupiers can purchase a plot of land and then build it themselves (self build) or pay a builder to build it for them (custom build). Currently, there is a recognised shortfall in this provision for those with a local connection to the District and indeed specifically in Ettington. The proposed development presents an opportunity to deliver this need.
A Self-build and Custom-build Housing Demand & Supply Position briefing note published by Stratford-on-Avon District Council in January 2023, this provides the most recent evidence on supply and demand for custom and self build housing. This note identifies that there were 131 people on the Self-build and Custom-build Housing Register, of which 122 had a local connection. There was an identified shortfall of 76 plots, and there is a recognition that demand for this type of housing is growing strongly.
The most recent summary of the Stratford-on-Avon District Self Build & Custom Housebuilding Register was published by the Council in November 2023. Of the entries on the register, 7 people give Ettington as one of their preferred locations for a plot, demonstrating that there is a demand for custom and self build plots within Ettington specifically.