Landscape Led Design & Connectivity
Landscape-led design
The proposed site layout has been designed to respect and integrate with the edge of Ettington, by creating an attractive welcome to the village. Importantly, the sensitive design complements and enhances the relationship with the edge of the village. New boundary planting will provide a natural screen, minimising any visual impact of the site from the main roads.
Existing trees and hedgerows would be retained and enhanced with additional planting, including wildflower planting, an attenuation basin and areas for wildflower planting.
This focus on landscape, combined with a comprehensive drainage strategy, will support new habitats and deliver a Biodiversity Net Gain.
Site Location
Site access and connectivity
The site will be served by a single access from Banbury Road in the form of a priority 'give-way' junction. The design and location of the access will be fixed by the outline planning application and not subject to a subsequent planning approval.
To promote sustainable modes of transport, the development will enable the construction of a new and improved public footpath along Banbury Road to provide safe access to facilities and services in the village.
Recreational routes will be proposed within the site connecting into the existing Public Right of Way to encourage active travel whilst creating clear connections to the playing field and the surrounding areas.
Car parking will be provided in line with the District Council's Parking Strategy.
Our initial plans for the site are detailed on the illustrative masterplan below.
Illustrative Masterplan - ENLARGE
Proposed vehicular access
Primary street
Shared surface
Private drive
Indicative attenuation basin
Pedestrian access
Public Rights of Way
Wildflower planting